Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Where the Wild Things Are
Written and Illustrated by Maurice Sendak
Children's Picture Book Ages 4-9
Rating: 4/5

Max chooses to play in his room instead of eating dinner, and before he knows it his bedroom turns into a magical forest where wild things live! They have a "wild rumpus" until it is time for Max to go home.

Opinion: I remember reading this when I was very little, but when I read it now all I can think about is the movie! The imagination and the illustrations are great in this book, although I do think the wild things might scare younger children. Max's imagination is very apparent in this book and the reader is taken on the journey with him, which is great. I love how Max makes himself the king of all of the wild things, it really shows how bossy and egocentric kids can be! Near the end there's a a couple of pages with no words and just pictures of their adventures, which i think is a nice change of pace and keeps the story fresh.

Curriculum Connection:
This can be used as an opening to get children's imagination going for a writing project, or as an art project where they have to draw their own "wild thing," name and biography included. I think whatever it is used for kids will really like it because of the fantasy vibe it possesses.

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