Tuesday, October 12, 2010


The Ugly Duckling
Retold & Illustrated by Rachel Isadora
Picture Book Ages 4-8
Rating: 4/5

A duckling is born to a mother, and while healthy and capable, he doesn't look like any of his siblings! All of the animals tease his for being ugly, until he finally runs away in search of a new life!

Opinion: This book is so sad! The whole time everyone is literally calling the duck ugly, he cries himself to sleep, and he thinks nobody wants him because everyone is so mean to him. He runs away and freezes in the winter until a nice farmer finds him, but I was depressed the entire time I was reading it! A book that gives you that strong of a reaction means it is well-written, in my opinion. The pictures are very reminiscent of Eric Carle, with collage-like tissue paper illustrations. In the end I'm glad the duckling turned into a beautiful swan and everything was okay!

Curriculum Connection: This could be used in a lesson on respect and friendship, and what it means to be nice to your classmates. It is not nice to call someone "ugly" and it can have serious effects on people! It has a good moral of "treat others how you want to be treated" and "its whats on the inside that counts" I think kids can really understand and appreciate that concept.

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