Friday, September 24, 2010

"Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, I think I'll eat some worms..."

Diary of a Worm
Written by Doreen Cronin, Illustrated by Harry Bliss
Picture Book ages 5-9
Rating: 4/5

Welcome to the world of a worm, where hopscotch equals being killed, "My brother ate my homework" can be a true statement, and the hokey pokey is done only with your head!

Opinion: The personification of the gross creature we all know as an earthworm is heart-warming and entertaining. It is funny, absurd, and written in just the right way to make you wonder about what an insect's life really is like. In this worm's world they use mushrooms as tables, bottle caps for chairs, and paperclip boxes as beds. Original and innovative, this book will make you appreciate your life a little more!

Curriculum Connection: I also used this book with my 2nd grader at Grantwood, and I prefaced it by asking her what a diary was and if she kept one or knew anyone else that kept one. She really enjoyed the pictures and the storyline of the book and the idea that the worm had to hold the pencil with his tail! How silly! After we read it I told her to pick her favorite insect, which was a butterfly, and write a diary entry of what it would be like to live as a butterfly for a day. This activity is good because it gets kids thinking outside of the box in a critical way and also helps them to be creative. This would also go well in a science unit about insects of any kind.

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